No team? No problem! VING Jam Scrimmage League matches you up with players and levels.
VING Jam Scrimmage Details Click here.
VING Jam League Details Click here.
Co-Ed Professional Coaching, Professional Referrers, Certified Medical for Games, Professional Media Package.
Surprise celebrity and influencer appearances.
Monthly VING Events with food and cocktails (21+ for alcohol).
Free VING Jam Jersey.
Invites to charity drives and local Los Angeles philanthropic ventures.
Exposure to Professional Players, Agents and Managers.
Let’s go ladies and gents!
Let’s lift up our brothers and sisters in LA!
There are lots of talented ballers who want to play basketball but, don’t have a team, a court, or enough money to join. It’s important to us that VING Jam offers opportunities for everyone. VING Jam Scholarship connects Angel Backers with Scholarship Players.
Scholarship Players, please fill out the "Scholarship Players Application".
VING Jam Scholarship Players must be 18 years or older.
Scholarship Applicants must live in Los Angeles and have their own means of transportation to and from the games.
No need to check in, be assured, a VING Jam rep will contact you if you have been accepted.
First come first serve basis.
Your social media will be reviewed and you will be interviewed prior to being gifted the Scholarship. Your drive, level of experience, and positive attitude will all be considered. If you are interviewed this does not guarantee you the Scholarship.
Scholarship Applications will be reviewed 2 weeks before each season and awarded before each season begins.
If you are not chosen for a season you can reapply for the next one!
Angel Backer Gifts will be awarded to Scholarship Applicants who exhibit the drive and fighter spirit to become the best player they can be. When you become a VING Jam Angel Backer you may dramatically impact the life of a player’s game and future!
Angel Backer will be notified by the VING Jam team and given a photo of the athlete you gifted.
You also get free VIP access to all VING Jam Live Events for the season your Scholarship Gift was applied.
You will be given an invoice for your Gift for your CPA.
If you love what we are doing and want to donate to VING Jam Co-ed League you can! You pick where your tax write-off dollars will go and how you want to participate!
Check the box to go to a pool of funds that will be gathered and go toward being a group sponsor.
Check the box to go toward the VING Jam League to buy company expenses like insurance, better quality swag, coach and manager fees, etc…
We love live events for everyone to connect and have some free food and VING Vodka cocktails (21+ to drink)! If you have a local business in California and want to join us please fill out the COMPANY PARTNERSHIP REQUEST form to discuss your brand or service participating in our next event or All-Star League Showcase game.
Always respect the ladies: If there is any inappropriate physical contact or, language you will be immediately removed from practice or the game, and your VING Jam League Membership will be revoked. This will be decided by VING Management and refunds will not apply.
Court Aggression: Keep it chill and ball! The League Management, Coaches, referees, and other teammates are all here so you can enjoy Basketball. All aggression during practice and games will result in you being asked to leave and may result in your VING Jam League Membership will be revoked.
VING Jam Events: All League Members are welcome! VING Vodka is our sponsor and there may be alcohol served at events. If you are a minor you must be accompanied by an adult. Must be 21 or older to drink alcohol.
Celeb’s: Sometimes a celebrity may come to Allstar game so just be cool and respectful!
VING Jam is all about fun and good vibes!
Here are the rules of conduct that you will be held to.
Please note: If your League Membership is revoked, refunds will not apply.