Pop Top Lock resealable can end promotes a circular economy is a model of production and consumption, which involves sharing, leasing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, and recycling existing materials and products for as long as possible.

Humans are using twice the amount of resources that planet Earth can currently produce.
More than 2 trillion cans have been recycled - 40 billion cans in the United States are recycled per year.
Aluminum cans are the most sustainable beverage package in virtually every measure.
Aluminum does not denigrate and can virtually be recycled forever in a truly circular, closed-loop recycling process.
Approximately 73% of aluminum in use today is recycled.
This is the massive impact Pop Top Lock resealable can end will have on a sustainable planet, a circular economy, and recycling because of zero plastic use with the reclosable technology, a new & safer option for consumers & beverage suppliers & companies to move beyond plastic, and the opportunity to go beyond beverages into other packaging.