our solution


As founder and CEO of VING Vodka, Flo Vinger witnessed firsthand the unnecessary and excessive waste in the beverage industry. The problem is so deep and wide that Flo understood there needs to be real solutions put into action now. The loss of valuable aluminum, and lack of education for brands and consumers in the beverage industry, in addition to the benefits of an all-aluminum reclosable can end movitvated Flo into hyperdrive. Her aim is to bring awareness and solutions for serious that go beyond waste; issues like drink spiking, plastic containments for humans from reusing plastic bottles, and stopping plastic pollution before it goes into the ocean and landfills. This is why she invented and designed Pop Top Lock.

"“I knew Pop Top Lock would be impactful on many levels, the more I learn about the benefits of using aluminum over plastic and glass I’m thrilled to bring my design to market with partners who can make a global impact and know how this will affect our planet now and for all future generations.” - Flo Vinger, Inventor/Designer/CEO, Pop Top Lock


The aluminum reclosable can end has been a long-time saut after and desired product by designers, brands, and manufacturers. There are several designs that have not succeeded because of functionality or leaking. There has not been a 100% aluminum design released, patent found or invention publicly revealed that specifically addresses the child-resistant need for cannabis drinks.

Inventor and Designer Flo Vinger digs into those specific needs and finds solutions with Pop Top Lock.  Keeping carbonation, functional opening, and closing for multiple uses, stackable, addressing leaking and pressure needs, legal requirements, consumer comfort, and production needs.


Pop Top Lock tooling and manufacturing is created and manufactured in the United States with the most seasoned and experienced engineers and companies in the world.


There are several patents for a reclosable end. Pop Top Lock has received the United States Utility Patent and has international PCT Patents pending. Flo Vinger’s goal is to work with other patent holders for the ultimate goal of putting a successful reclosable end on the market to benefit our planet.

“I understand the value of the Pop Top Lock design and we can all work together to make a global impact.” - Flo Vinger, Inventor/Designer/CEO, Pop Top Lock


The impact powerful leading companies can have through edcuation and influence in a fun and simple way can be huge and at this stage inherently necessary for humans to thrive with the next generations. There are solutions for theme parks, concerts, air travel, cruise lines, trains, hospitals, hotels, restaurants, bars, fast-food chains, soda brands, beer brands, canned cocktails, canned seltzers, cannabis drinks, bottled water, grocery stores, camps, schools, marines, and home use. Pop Top Lock wants to hear your issues and we will help find solutions for you. Please write to us and tell us how you think your company can help and where you see there can be change .

POP TOP LOCK: Resealable Can End POP TOP LOCK: Resealable Can End
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